Monday, December 17, 2007

Labs 3

Today my partners were Maddy and Emma S. we were in 'Motors' First we took a wire and wrapped it around a 3'' straw and then we attached it to a battery, and put a needle thorough it. it didn't work at first, because we only had one end touching the battery. so then we taped both wire ends to the same end of the battery. that didn't work either. when we put the wires on opposite sides it worked perfectly.

Friday, December 14, 2007

Labs 2

so today, Maddy, Lilly and i all were in 'Heat Shields' lab. first we made a shield with a sheet of tin foil, that was connected to the screen, it lasted about 2:15 seconds. then we made the next one the same way, but with a double sheet of tin foil, and more air inbetween. our second one lasted more than 5:00 minutes, but we had to stop because MM was worryed about the propane torch. this shows that one of the best ways to spot heat is to have air inbetween.

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Labs 1

so today t-mike, taryn and i all did "a measure of sound". we were very confused and didn't get all of the lab done. we are planning to stay after school later this week to finish the lab.